Self awareness is the ability to understand your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. It is a key executive functioning skill. In fact, some would argue it is foundational to all the others. When we are aware of our own thoughts, feelings, and motivations, we are better able to control our impulses and make choices that are in our best interests.
Self-awareness helps you to accept, understand, and embrace who you are and how your thoughts, feelings, and motivations operate. Acceptance gives you choice and empowers you so you no longer operate from a position of resignation or defeat.
People with ADHD often have difficulty with self-awareness, specifically the following aspects:
- Metacognition: Metacognition is the ability to think about your own thinking. It allows you to monitor your own thoughts and feelings, reflect on your choices and engage in targeted self-talk to make adjustments as needed.
- Self-monitoring: Self-monitoring is the ability to pay attention to your own behaviour and identify areas where you would like to change.
- Self-evaluation: Self-evaluation is the ability to assess your own performance and identify areas where you can improve, which can lead to unrealistic expectations, low self-esteem, and difficulty learning from mistakes.
There are some specific areas self-awareness can help. For example, choosing coping mechanisms, or noticing the difference between adaptive strategies and maladaptive strategies. Self-awareness can also help in advocating for yourself in a clear and concise way.
What better way to develop your self-awareness than in a safe, inclusive environment filled with like-minded people on the same journey as yourself. That is what you will find inside my ADHD Sweet Spot. See you there!