Welcome to Roadmap to ADHD Organisation

This free training will equip you with the skills to organise like a pro, ADHD-style.

Why do we find it hard to organise with ADHD?

Well, take a dash of impulsivity, mix it with a glitchy. memory and a free-flowing sense of time and you’re halfway there.  Add that to a burst of motivation shot through with an immeasurable number of distractions… yep.  That’s why it’s hard!

In this free training, delivered straight to your inbox, you’ll learn which bits of your divergent brain are not coming to the party, and what you can do about it!

I’m your ADHD Coach, Jodi Green

i am a highly experienced and certified ADHD coach, having provided support and guidance to hundreds of individuals living with ADHD and their families.

My mission is to help you:

  • Boost self acceptance and confidence
  • Expand your ADHD knowledge
  • Find practical solutions for a calmer life
  • Create and implement a personalised plan
  • Shift your mindset for everyday success

This session will equip you with the skills to organise like a pro ADHD-style.

I’m not one for outlandish claims, but. promise you will come away with increased self-awareness and valuable printable resources to enhance your toolkit.  Sign up and then check your inbox for your new tools.

Here's what we're offering:

ADHD Organisation Training 1

A Done-For-You Organising Roadmap:

Say goodbye to the mental gymnastics of creating an organisation plan from scratch.  I’ve got you covered.

ADHD-Friendly Self-Motivation Tool:

Imagine a carnival wheel of executive functions where everyone’s a winner.  I’m handing you the key to unlock your motivation and productivity.

Don't let ADHD hold you back any longer.

When you learn to manage your ADHD brain, life can be effortless and easy.  Join us and receive this free training delivered straight to your inbox and set yourself up for success!

When you register, I will pop you on my mailing list.  You are welcome to unsubscribe any time.  But I actually hope you will love my content and stay around!